• South West Fed - Celebrating 94 years of being 'Together for Heritage'
  • info@swfed.org.uk
A group of people listen attentively to a guide inside a historic museum gallery. The room features a high decorative ceiling, large leaded windows allowing natural light to stream in, and glass display cases filled with artefacts. The participants, dressed in a mix of casual and professional attire, appear engaged as they look at the guide and the exhibits.


The sun shone on the South West Fed’s 93rd AGM on 20 June 2024, which was held at The Salisbury Museum this year. The meeting was attended by more than 40 members who were also treated to a talk and sneak preview tour of the newly redeveloped galleries at The Salisbury Museum by museum director Adrian Green. Thank you to all the members who attended and to our wonderful hosts at The Salisbury Museum. If you missed it, the AGM pack can be found on the South West Fed’s website and The Salisbury Museum’s grand opening is happening on Saturday, 13 July, and admission is FREE!

Katherine Nichols