• South West Fed - Celebrating 94 years of being 'Together for Heritage'
  • info@swfed.org.uk

About the Creative Programme

We continue to programme events and online talks throughout the year to showcase work across the Southwest, explore issues and share learning from across our sector. Events and online talks, with the exception of our AGM, can be attended by both members and non-members.

The in-person sessions will be hosted by a different Southwest organisation each time and will feature a site visit and exclusive behind-the-scenes insights from sector peers. Our online talks programme is hosted on Zoom and features speakers from within the Southwest and outside the region. They focus on a specific topic, project or experience to inspire the work we do, share learning, challenge our ways of working, and ultimately support the heritage sector as it strives to be rich, diverse, and welcoming. These sessions will also have an opportunity for Q&A to delve that little bit further. Our in-person sessions have limited capacity so book early to avoid disappointment!

Attending our events

Our events programme is ticketed via Eventbrite. Both members and non-members are invited to attend our events. Members have access to a reduced price ticket and we also offer concessions for students and unemployed. It is free to join the SWFed and takes just a few minutes. Select 'Join' from the dropdown menu when purchasing a ticket and follow the details or join via the website. Members receive one e-newsletter a month with sector news and information about our events programme.

Some events will be free where we have sponsorship, while other events may require a higher entry fee.