• South West Fed - Celebrating 90 years of being 'Together for Heritage'
  • info@swfed.org.uk

Who we are

Vision & Mission
Our vision is for a flourishing and confident heritage community in the South West. Our mission is to create opportunities to connect and inspire the heritage community across the South West, for the benefit of organisations and their audiences.
Supporting the Sector Since 1931
Formed in 1931 along with the 8 other regional federations in the UK, we promote a culture of shared learning across the region. We connect members with each other, our partners, and wider sector organisations.


We run a dynamic and exciting programme of creative digital sessions that showcase best practice, encourage learning and discussion and enable networking.
We provide relevant sector news, ideas, advice and promote the latest career opportunities through our social media and e-newsletters.
We advocate the value and benefits of the South West’s museums, art galleries and heritage sites.
We provide an umbrella body for regional subject specialist groups – currently, the SW Implement Petrology Group

Governance Documents

Get Involved

Click below for the 2023 AGM papers.
For full details of our AGM please visit the 2024 AGM Event Page

Please click the buttons below to read our Anti-Racism statement, Equal Opportunities policy and Environmental policy, signed off by the board in March 2021.
Please click the buttons below to view our Articles of Association which was approved in 2019 and our Rules.

Give a talk

We would love to hear from you if you have a project/ piece of work or an approach to working you would like to share with colleagues across the south west.
Contact us info@swfed.org.uk

Add to our Monthly Newsletter

Add your vacancies and news to our monthly newsletter free of charge. We are volunteer run and do our best to include all vacancies and news to our monthly newsletters. They are sent to our members on the last Thursday of the month.
Contact us info@swfed.org.uk

Our Board

  • Chair - Kristina Broughton(Dorset and Wiltshire)
  • Vice Chair - Iona Keen (Bristol)
  • Secretary - VACANT
  • Treasurer - Paola Lanciani (Bath)
  • Communications Secretary - Katherine Nichols (Southampton)
  • Membership Secretary - VACANT

  • Creative Programme Officer- Paola Palma (Portsmouth)
  • Creative Programme Officer VACANT
  • Creative Programme Officer VACANT
  • Creative Programme Officer - Miranda Garrett (North Somerset)
  • Events Admin and Creative Programme Officer - Olivia Tracey (Gloucestershire)
  • Development - Verity Anthony (Cornwall) and Charlie Newman (Cornwall)


Representatives from the following organisations attend a quarterly session to share news, updates and discuss key issues for the sector. Contact us if you would like to be involved or suggest other organisations we could work with:

  • Arts Council England
  • Association for Independent Museums
  • GEM
  • Hampshire Cultural Trust
  • Historic England
  • Museums Association
  • The Box

  • National Lottery Heritage Fund
  • National Trust
  • Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery
  • Somerset Heritage Trust
  • South West Museum Development Programme
  • The National Archives
  • Wessex Museums


EVENTS: events@swfed.org.uk
MEMBERSHIP: membership@swfed.org.uk
GENERAL: info@swfed.org.uk