Kristina Broughton, current Chair of the South West Fed, has announced that she will be stepping down at the end of her term at the next AGM in June 2025. Whilst this may seem a long way off at the moment, the search for our new Chair begins now! This […]
Letter from the Chair of the South West Fed
March 2023 Dear Members, Despite the recent dreary weather, spring is certainly in the air and the South West Fed is looking forward to seeing you at the exciting online talks and in-person events we have in the pipeline for 2023. We kicked off the year with three outstanding talks […]
‘Curating Colonies and Conflicts – Mayflower 400: Legend and Legacy’
Image above: ‘Mayflower 400: Legend and Legacy’. Image copyright The Box Plymouth Fiona Pitt, Trustee of the South West Fed responds to Jo Loosemore’s talk The burgeoning of Black Lives Matter has prompted cultural institutions, including museums, to reflect on how they present colonial history. While this isn’t a new […]
Wellcome Collection.Addressing the Colonial Legacies of Wellcome’s Collection
Weapons originally belonging to the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum laid out in the Duveen Gallery at the British Museum, 1955. Wellcome Collection
Dead things tucked in drawers … bring them out!
Maureen La Frenais responds to a workshop: Using Natural Science Collections to Challenge the Climate Emergency as part of the South West Fed’s 2020 conference. A great topic, enthralling and I learned so much from this first workshop. With four case studies, and five speakers in 20 minutes it was […]
The South West Fed is Changing
The South West Fed is changing and we want to let you know what this means for your membership. From November 2020 we are offering free membership for Students, Individuals, and Organisations.