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A close-up image of several hands working together on a clay surface, shaping and sculpting the material. The participants wear aprons and long-sleeved shirts, and their hands are adorned with rings. The hands appear engaged in a communal or artistic project, emphasizing collaboration and tactile creativity.

‘Search & Learn’: Reinvigorating a local museum post-Covid

Image copyright: Ann Cook

On Thursday 20th April we held our inaugural evening event, and were joined by Victoria Northwood, from Wells and Mendip Museum (W&MM). Victoria is an archivist and heritage professional, and the Project Manager for ‘Search and Learn’ – an amazing project funded through the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF).

She covered a huge wealth of information and managed to pack so much into one hour! We covered the application and goals of the ‘Search and Learn’ project, and the allocation of funds through building development, the creation of new galleries, and the reinterpretation of existing spaces in the museum.

Of particular interest was the development of local partnerships that, alongside the physical changes to the museum, have really opened up new opportunities for engagement and audience development. We also heard about the restrictions and challenges faced due to Covid – how independent museums can recover, and aims for the future.

3 key takeaways: 
1 – Volunteer recruitment and management post – Covid. W&MM lost almost all of their volunteers. However they have successfully recruited new volunteers reflecting the important role that our museums play in supporting local people to find a place within their community.
2 – Re-interpreting collections through new lenses. A large part of the ‘Search and Learn’ project is a refurbishment of the study of W&MM’s founder – Herbert Balch. An engaging transformation of this space will reflect the founding principles of the museum, and the social history of the area.
3 – Partnerships with other heritage organisations, and local organisations. Victoria expanded on a number of relationships developed throughout the project, including volunteering opportunities with the local Job Centre, and residents of local Care homes. The project has also lent itself to the creation of opportunities with local artists, mental health charities, and local schools.

Want to find out more?
Victoria has kindly offered to answer any further questions relating to the project itself, or insights and recommendations on any of the above. Please see the Wells and Mendip Museum website for more information about the museum itself, and to keep up with the progress of the ‘Search and Learn’ project. You can find information about how to support the museum, and join as a volunteer with the project:

For more information on the NLHF and their new strategy, ‘Heritage 2033’, please visit https://www.heritagefund.org.uk/ More details on grant applications and supporting independent museums can be found online.

Katherine Nichols