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Waste Age: What Can Museums do to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Exhibitions?

Image of a woman in a blue top leaning against a railing

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Waste Age: What Can Museums do to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Exhibitions?

We are living in the age of waste. Join Elise Foster Vander Elst (an exhibition maker who focuses on green transitions in museums) and discover how the Design Museum is learning to cut the environmental cost of exhibitions.

We all know waste is a big problem. So how are we going to fix it?

Opened from 23 October 2021, the exhibition Waste Age: What Can Design Do? called for an end to our era of peak waste by confronting the impact of disposable culture and showcasing the designers reimagining our relationship to materials. While Waste Age asked what design can do, it also called for the Design Museum to explore how to reduce waste when creating an exhibition.

The Design Museum will share its learnings, which will include toolkits for change, offering starting points for us all to become agents of change and helping other organisations and designers challenge and transform their practices.

Waste Age hasn’t solved all the challenges at the Design Museum, but it has set a new benchmark to build on into the future. Each exhibition can act as a catalyst – making the Museum accountable, setting goals, and rallying all staff around a specific project. Waste Age has been a powerful opportunity for the Design Museum to make progress in sustainability. The next challenge will be maintaining this momentum, no matter what exhibition is on display.

Tickets: £5 non-members, £3.75 members, £2.85 concessions (students and low income)

Book now on Eventbrite.

Start Time
01:00 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Finish Time
02:00 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2023
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