• South West Fed - Celebrating 90 years of being 'Together for Heritage'
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Our Tower: Confronting the Legacies of the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Beckford's Tower view with trees

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Our Tower: Confronting the Legacies of the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Join Dr. Amy Frost (Senior Curator, Bath Preservation Trust) and Iona Keen (Heritage Interpretation Consultant) as they discuss the Our Tower Project.

This project has been undertaken to restore one of Bath’s Georgian landmarks – Beckford’s Tower - which will create a new experience for visitors. At the age of nine, William Beckford became the richest person in England, inheriting Jamaican sugar plantations and the ownership of hundreds of enslaved Africans. New interpretation and community engagement will raise people's awareness of historic concerns around human rights and prejudice, connecting to these issues today.

Dr. Frost and Iona Keen will present a pilot project with Black Families in Education - a supplementary Saturday school in Bath. Find out how in-depth community consultation and embedded co-production shaped the outcome of the project and changed the way the museum presents its collection. Amy and Iona will be joined by artist and Community Advisory Panel member Jacqueline Braithwaite who will share her personal experience of the project.


Tickets: £5 non-members, £3.75 members, £2.85 concessions (students and low income)

Book Now on Eventbrite.

Start Time
01:00 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Finish Time
02:00 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2023
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