• South West Fed - Celebrating 94 years of being 'Together for Heritage'
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Camera, Action, Conservation: Managing the risks of filming in heritage locations.

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Camera, Action, Conservation: Managing the risks of filming in heritage locations.

Event Description

Right now filming is booming in the UK. Historic venues are sought after filming locations and can provide a valuable source of income and publicity.  However, the thought of a film crew in your historic house or museum may seem daunting. 

Spenser and Fry have supported numerous feature films and high-end TV productions including Downton Abbey, Bridgerton, Doctor Who, The Crown and even Transformers.  

This talk will give a brief introduction to filming in heritage locations, an overview of the potential risks to historic buildings, interiors and collections and how these risks can be managed. The pandemic raised unique challenges to filming in heritage locations which will be covered though real-life examples experienced by the team.

This talk is an introduction for institutions considering filming or a refresher of best practice for locations already hosting filming and photo shoots.

Tickets cost £2.75 per person and are available for members only.

It is free to join the South West Fed, click here to join and receive your membership number, which you will need in order to book.


Claire Fry is an accredited conservator and had roles at the National Trust and English Heritage before setting up Spencer & Fry in 2015. Spencer & Fry provide advice and training in all aspects of preventive conservation, including filming supervision having worked on over 70 films and TV programmes.

You will need your membership number in order to book a ticket.

Image: copyright Sally Doran

Start Time
01:00 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Finish Time
02:00 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2021
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